Thursday, August 25, 2016

36 Days and Counting...

It is shocking to me to think that there are only 36 days until I will leave Colorado to go to staging. You would think that everything would be setting in now and I would really be feeling like this is happening, but I don't feel that way.

It's a little more real since I moved to Colorado and all of my stuff is here, but even then, it doesn't feel real. I can talk my head off about it, but it still doesn't feel real. I don't have my things packed and I don't have everything I will need. Instead, I am focusing on doing housework for my mom and getting together administrative things before the Peace Corps.

Every day, I get closer to leaving, but it doesn't feel that way. I am beyond excited. People ask me if I'm nervous or scared, but I'm not. All I feel right now is anticipation and excitement. As the days count down, I cannot wait to leave. We will see if it will feel real eventually (maybe when I'm in the country).

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